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Typically referrals are dealt with as follows:


  • Initial contact via email with a brief description of what you are looking for.

  • Brief telephone consultation to clarify concerns and a possible way forward.

  • Work proposal sent out in writing (usually via email)including fees, terms and conditions. You will be asked to complete a short questionnaire and return before the first meeting. If appropriate, a school questionnaire will also be sent to you to give to your child's school.

  • Initial face-to-face consultation to discuss history, concerns and the story so far.

  • Depending on the nature of the referral appropriate assessments and observations will be carried out. Assessments and meetings usually take place at your home or at your child's school.

  • Written report summarising the assessment work and providing recommendations for support will be produced and a telephone consultation arranged afterwards to discuss the report.

  • Follow up review meeting (or telephone consultation) arranged if appropriate.


What to Expect

Contact Janine:

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Janine is a registered provider with the following health insurance companies. Your assessment/intervention may be eligible on your policy. Please check with your provider.

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